How to write abstracts - and get your audience interested
See also notes on ECS module page:
Slides and links to resources to introduce presentation skills.
See also notes on ECS module page:
Notes based on discussions with students for whom English is not their first language. Relevant generally and specifically in preparation of the group presenatations
Biglan (1975a,1975b) Ortega Gasset (1930) , Chynoweth (2009)
All references can be found in your mendeley collection
An developmental exercise to help grow the superstructure of a report. A paper by Repko discussing common ground is included, you are also advised to look at the set text, Chapter 11, Page 271
An introduction to a method of reflection. This task looks at the process of writing a short piece of reflection and provides a framework for that activity
slides and accompanying handouts for hectic classroom activity bases session.
See also notes on ECS module page:
How you might use visualisations as a model. References Bastow, S., Dunleavy, P., & Tinkler, J. (2014). The impact of the social sciences: how academics and their research make a difference. Sage.
Why Blog? read this compelling auto ethnography
All references can be found in our mendeley collection